Wetenschappelijke publicaties van het laboratorium Geotechniek

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Wetenschappelijke publicaties van het Laboratorium Geotechniek en Monitoring

Pile settlement under vertical static load : SLS design method based on Belgian experience.


ICSMGE Sydney 2022 

Allani (M.) Huybrechts (N.)

Static tension load tests performed on resin grouted micropiles.

ICSMGE Sydney 2022 

N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, P. Kempenaers, D. Smits

Pile group settlement under vertical static load using pile to pile interaction factor: points of attention and influence of soil nonlinearity.

ICSMGE Sydney 2022 

M. Allani, N. Huybrechts

Thoughts on the mix design for soil mix walls used as permanent retaining structures


N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau

Finite element modeling of the arching effect in retaining walls made of soil-cement columns


N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau

Finite element modeling of the arching effect in retaining walls made of soil mix panels


N. Denies, M. Allani, N. Huybrechts, J.-C. Kouamé, G. Laurent, T. Eggermont, M. Bottiau.

Design and execution of soil mix walls for retaining structures


N. Denies and N. Huybrechts

Berekening van zettingen van verticaal belaste palen: methodes voor het afleiden van vervormingsparameters

Geotechniek 2020 - nr. 4

M. Allani, N. Huybrechts

Optical Fiber Strain Measurements and Numerical Modeling of Load Tests on Grouted Anchors

Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 2019

Jef Smet; Noël Huybrechts; Gust Van Lysebetten; Jan Verstraelen

Full-scale tests and three-dimensional finite element analysis on micropile groups


M. Allani, N. Huybrechts

Recent advances in pile design, construction, monitoring and testing


M. Bottiau and N. Huybrechts

Application of soil mixing (CSM) in stiff clay for dike stabilization



L. De Vos, M. De Beukelaer-Dossche, L. Vincke, E. Dupont, K. Duyck, N. Huybrechts and N. Denies

In-situ test campaign on innovative resin grouted



N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, M. de Ruijter, P. Kempenaers, P. Lopes and D. Smits

Handbook - Soil mix walls: Design and execution

Taylor and Francis 2018

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors) - CRC Press

Deep mixing method for the construction of earth and water retaining walls

RILEM 2017

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts

In-situ test campaign of vibrodriven sheet piles


N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, M. Bourdouxhe and A. Fagot

Géosynthétiques pour le renforcement des sols : applications récentes et recherche en Belgique

11èmes Rencontres Géosynthétiques – Comité français des géosynthétiques

N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, J. Verstraelen, W. Maekelberg et J. Maertens

SBRCURnet/Buildwise Handboek soilmix-wanden

Buildwise - monographie

N. Denies en N. Huybrechts (Uitgevers)

Ground Improvement vs. Pile Foundations

ETC 3 - 2016

S. Varaksin, B. Hamidi, N. Huybrechts and N. Denies

Design of piles - Belgian practice.


N. Huybrechts
M. De Vos
M. Bottiau
L. Maertens

Ontwerp van soilmix-wanden voor kerende constructies

Geotechniek - 2015

N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort, J.C.J. de Leeuw, F.J.M. Hoefsloot

Thoughts on the durability of the soil mix material


N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort and A. Guimond-Barrett

Design and Quality Control of Soil Mix Walls for Earth and Water Retaining Structures

DFI Deep Mixing 2015

N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens, A. Vervoort, de Leeuw J., Hoefsloot F

Deep Mixing Method: Equipment and Field of Applications

Elsevier 2015

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts

Large-Scale Bending Tests on Soil Mix Elements


N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort

Real-Scale Tests on Soil Mix Elements

DFI EFFC Stockholm 2014

Denies N., Van Lysebetten G., Huybrechts N., De Cock F., Lameire B., Maertens J. and Vervoort A

Design of Deep Soil Mix Structures: considerations on the UCS characteristic value


N. Denies, G. Van Lysebetten, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort

Mechanical characterization of large scale soil mix samples and the analysis of the influence of soil inclusions

IS-GI 2012

A. Vervoort A., A. Tavallali, G. Van Lysebetten, J. Maertens, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock F. and B. Lameire

Mechanical characterization of deep soil mix material – procedure description

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, A. Vervoort and J. Maertens

Soil Mix walls as retaining structures – mechanical characterization

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies N., N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, A. Vervoort, G. Van Lysebetten and J. Maertens

Soil Mix walls as retaining structures – Belgian practice

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire, J. Maertens and A. Vervoort

Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211
Volume 1

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors)

Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211
Volume 2

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors)

Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211
Volume 3

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors)

Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211
Volume 4

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors)

Proceedings of the International symposium of ISSMGE - TC211
Volume 5

IS-GI 2012

N. Denies and N. Huybrechts (Editors)

Deep Soil Mix technology in Belgium: Effect of inclusions on design properties

ASCE - Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012

P. Ganne, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali, J. Maertens, B. Lameire and F. De Cock

Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour


P. Ganne, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali, J. Maertens, B. Lameire and F. De Cock

SOILMIX wanden als kerende constructies – kritische analyse van de ontwerpparameters van het materiaal

Geotechniek 2010

P. Ganne, N. Huybrechts, F. De Cock, B. Lameire en J. Maertens